Sunday, February 21, 2010

Letting Go

When you let go, the world opens up to you.

To let go means that you decide to live in the Now: observing your thoughts, feelings, and actions as they relate to what is actually occurring--freeing you from both the memories of what is past and the expectations of the future.

When you find yourself feeling a certain way that doesn't align with the present moment, that is the signal to your Self to ask the questions: when have I felt this way before? What expectation do I have of this moment that isn't being met, and why am I having this expectation?

To let go means that you check your ego at the door. Self-consciousness and self-awareness are two very different things. The former is ego driven (what do others think of me? how can I compete?) the latter is Soul driven (how can I live as my highest Self, how can I understand my Self in order to understand Others?)

To let go is to release worry and have faith that what you need will come to you, exactly when you need it. Not when you THINK you need it, but when the time is right. Feeling that faith and having Trust in the Universe to support you will open up opportunities you didn't even know you had. Let go and trust the path before you, because it is great.

To let go is, ultimately, freedom. Freedom from fear, from complaint. Freedom from expectations and attitudes that do not serve your Highest Self. To let go gives you the freedom to Allow more of what you want into your life.

Begin now: that circular thought that has been plaguing you for hours or days. That worry that rests on your shoulders and down your spine--let it go. Breathe and look around you: is that worry a reflection of the present moment? Let it go. Release it into the air with each exhale and remind yourself that the answers, the support, the Love you need will come. Another breath in, and imagine Light lifting you and warming your heart.

1 comment:

  1. very well said, my dear. emily and i are loving your thoughts here and appreciate you sharing your spiritual growth with us and the world. keep it comin'.
